When it comes to classified sites, Craigslist is beyond doubt the masterpiece of them all. The easy yard sale feel and look of Craigslist makes it look drab at times, but there is power in it's humility. Craigslist's homepage is a easy blue and white and has no flash or other bandwidth hogging feature. It takes a few seconds to load and can be navigated quite easily.
It has a few important links on the left, from where you can post, check out an event calendar or just browse straight through some site relevant information. In the centre are the categories which are the most important part of the website. There are several categories and hundreds of subcategories. And on the right side is the pilotage bar for the localities. There beyond doubt isn't much else to Craigslist.
Log Homes Maine
However, apart from the fact that there was no exertion put in to beautify Craigslist other very striking thing about its homepage is the severely miniature crusade choice on the left. It is impossible to beyond doubt find something out there. For one, it allows only a citywide crusade at a time and only allows it in one category. This seems to be quite a handicap for a lot of regulars. However, there is no cause for concern as there are many tools on the net which have been specifically designed to make up for this Craigslist snag. crusade tools are available a dime a dozen on the internet and can seriously help a Craigslist user by salvage him lots of costly time. There are exquisite features on these crusade tools like price comparisons in the middle of eBay and Craigslist, crusade parameter settings and many other small but important things.
Craigslist Homepage
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